
I launched “Greg’s Weather Blog” back in late 2008. I was in high school at the time, and back then forecasting ‘snow days’ was the name of the game. With the public (class mates) demanding updates about the impending blanket of snow, a good friend suggested I start a weather blog.

Circa December 2008

Today the blog is popular not just in times of frozen precipitation, but also when temperatures climb into the triple digits. It also has more of a photo aspect with the addition of a decent camera, a Canon Rebel T2i. Expansion to other social media came in 2010 when I began a fan group on Facebook for Greg’s Weather Blog, now with 200+ followers. Recently, Twitter and Tumblr have been added to reach out, share, and learn further.

The purpose behind the blog is two-fold.

  • One, for you the reader (duh). I try to make the media interesting by providing high quality images and videos to help understand weather phenomena past what you generally see on TV. It’s easy enough to go online, flick on the TV, or read a newspaper for the weather. Here I strive to analyze what occurred or will occur.
  • Two, I want to see myself learn. For me to see things getting accomplished, I actually have to see it. Learning is one thing, but being able to visually confirm your progression just seals the deal. Looking back I can see my errors and successes and ultimately profit from this base of information. So a blog is the perfect thing and I suggest it to anyone else out there who wishes to do the same for their own passion/hobby/interest.

Myself as a person:
I’m 21 and attribute my interest in weather to living in Michigan and a middle school Science Olympiad competition. That’s another story. Home base is in Chelsea, MI. I attend Central Michigan University in Mount Pleasant, Michigan, majoring in Meteorology. Besides being an accomplished Eagle Scout, other hobbies include photography, soccer, frisbee, and puttering around with computers (repair, building, games, photo editing, oogling).

Shooting some Lake Michigan sunsets.

I’m often faced with a question at school as to where I want to go with my weather interest. Forecasting, broadcasting, research, and other small niches are possible outcomes, but I kinda spread all about them. I broadcast via the blog, sort of ‘weather journalism’ if you will, forecast based on a combination of weather data, and at the same time try to seek out patterns. I really enjoy sharing weather like this, it lets me get out in the action, and at the same time you learn a ton!

Thanks for the visit, leave a message, and know your weather!



Weather Underground PWS KMIGREGO2

18 Responses to About

  1. dad says:

    Keep up the cool info. Dad

  2. Pingback: WELCOME! « Greg’s Weather Blog

  3. Josh M. says:

    Hey Greg!

    This is sweet, I like it , keep up the good work, i would love if you put some avaition weather on here! Talk to you later

    – Moff

  4. JB says:

    I found this website on my sons computer.
    I see that you too enjoy a good anvil.
    Love the photos.

  5. Pamela says:

    I am amazed at your photos. You have such a variety of interesting skies. As a quilter, I noticed that the icons attached to comments resemble different quilt blocks.

    I like learning about weather from you. Keep up the good work!


  6. kathy backus says:

    HI Greg, came across your blog as it was included in my Google Alert feed for Mt. Pleasant. Always happy to see local bloggers. Love your cloud photos … did you take them?? AS publisher of a local online magazine, we’re always looking for photog talent to tap into. Perhaps you’d be interested in allowing us to tap into some of your creative pics?? Check out our online mag – http://www.visionmidmichigan.com — and if you think you’d be interested, let’s talk. Get in touch … kathy backus — kbackus@visionmidmichigan.com

    • gweatherc says:

      Thanks for the visit Kathy!

      I’m glad the blog is being picked up by local readers! Yes the cloud photos are mine. Most of them at the moment were shot just north of Chelsea, Michigan. I love taking photos of the weather and other objects so I’m sure more will be on the way from a more local area in Mount Pleasant!

      I will surly consider your offer, and am flattered. The online magazine looks like a great way to offer information to local residents.
      Thanks again!

  7. D. Moss says:

    Hey there Greg!
    What an excellent site! I really like everything here. Excellent photos!
    Keep up the great work and best wishes for your meteorological aspirations!
    Take care!
    Mr. Moss

    • gweatherc says:

      Mr. Moss! Great to hear from you. Hope your summer is going well! You are always welcome here being one of the people who sparked my interest in weather. Can’t wait to discuss some winter systems this year!

      Yours in weather,

  8. Tammy says:

    You are so cool, Greg. Seriously.

  9. Mark says:

    I love Tom Skilling’s weather blog for Chicago on the WGN website and I was looking for something that covered central Michigan (I’m in Lansing). Thanks for doing this! If you can put up monthly statistics that would be great. Love the photography, enjoy those super takumars.

    • gweatherc says:

      Thanks Mark, I will check out Tom’s blog a bit. Also will look in to the monthly statistics. If I can reliable keep my weather station up, I’ll post data from that! Enjoy the weather.

  10. eamcclain says:

    Hey, Greg. This is Erica McClain, an editor at Heritage Media, which publishes the Chelsea Standard. I stumbled across your blog today, and was curious if you’d be interested in having us link it on our blog page, heritage.com/blogs. We’re always looking for new area bloggers to link to, and your page would be a great page to share with our readers.

    If you’re interested, feel free to send me an email at emcclain[at]heritage[dot]com.


  11. archangelmichael2 says:

    Do you know why the weather underground cam archives are down? There used to be several in Michigan that went back to 2010 and 2 weeks ago the images suddenly vanished and now I can no longer find them. The date lookup is still there and depending on the cam will sometimes go back to 2008 but no images beyond 2013 show up.

    Before you tell me to I already contacted them twice and only gotten an automatic reply saying they will contact me but a week later nothing has happened. I don’t think there is actually anybody that runs the website anymore as I have heard complaints from other users about the new map that sucks and I agree.

    Weather Underground is going down the tubes along with others all in the name of *social media* it seems to make everything like Facebook. Ewwwwwww.

    • gweatherc says:

      Could you provide a link to the webcam images? I never paid much attention to them, but know they were always fun to look at so you could get a visual on conditions not based off a data station.

      I know The Weather Channel purchased WeatherUnderground a while ago, and some things have changed since then. I agree though, social media has it’s own sites, I prefer sites that focus on data and weather itself.

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